

In This Together: Virtual Art & Poetry Exhibit on Planetary and Human Health

The Hosmer Gallery at Forbes Library presents an online exhibition highlighting the interconnectedness of planetary and human health. 41 Western Massachusetts artists and writers are participating in the exhibition which takes place online from July 5 – September 5, 2021. View the exhibit

As we emerge slowly from the Covid-19 pandemic, we reflect on how it has changed us, the environment we live in, and our outlook. While our societies and our world are still in the midst of enormous changes, how do we feel about our role? How has the past year impacted how we relate to the environment and to each other? 

Sunday, August 1, 2021 Show more dates
All Day Event
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
  Exhibits     Mind and Body     Poetry     Recurring Events     Virtual  

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